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February 7, 2022 General Interest

March 3 Webinar: Protect Yourself from Fraud

Facebook Live panel discussion focused on protecting people from health care fraud, abuse, and errors set for March 3, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.

Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers are invited to a Facebook Live event focused on learning how to prevent, detect, and report Medicare fraud, abuse, and errors. The virtual one-hour event, hosted by Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol, will be held on Thursday, March 3 at 11 a.m. A recording will be available for anyone to view after the event. Anyone can view the webinar on our Facebook page (

When Medicare recipients, their families, and caregivers are more informed, they are not powerless against fraud, abuse, and errors. The Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol provides education, outreach, and counseling services to reach as many Wisconsin Medicare beneficiaries as possible. If you are touched by Medicare in any way, our virtual event on Thursday, March 3 will be an excellent introduction to preventing, detecting, and reporting Medicare issues.

Over $60 billion a year is the estimated cost of Medicare fraud, abuse, and errors. This cost is borne by Medicare recipients who are paying for services they may not need, or by having their medical identities stolen, and ultimately by all taxpayers. It can also put beneficiaries’ health and welfare at risk.  The Facebook Live event will provide potential solutions to help mitigate these losses. Please plan to join us on Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 11 a.m.

A link to the event flyer can be found here: Facebook Live Event Flyer